Sleep Resources
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
This is a comprehensive patient education website sponsored by the
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
American Sleep Apnea Association
This site has several excellent information pages on sleep apnea and CPAP. It also has a sleep apnea forum on which patients can ask questions of each other; it includes forums on CPAP, oral appliances, pediatrics, and a forum for spouses. There is a section on pediatric sleep apnea as well.
Narcolepsy Network
This has a FAQ page on narcolepsy, which is quite extensive. However, it does not have any downloadable brochures.
National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke Disorder
This website is sponsored by the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS). It has excellent fact sheets, but there are a limited amount of disorders discussed.
National Sleep Foundation
This is a large, comprehensive patient-education website sponsored by the largest patient sleep advocacy group, the National Sleep Foundation.
WebMD Sleep Disorders Health Center
This site contains multiple pages of information on sleep disorders as well as a page of informative videos.
American Sleep Association
This is an informational site about sleep disorders and sleep health.